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Home > CORE 2012 > Portland CORE 2012

We thoroughly enjoyed building ThunderBridge last year and couldn’€™t wait to do it again, so we put together a Design Concept and submitted a Letter of Intent to the Org. We are stepping up to lead another Portland C.O.R.E. project and are calling out for your participation. Come and see the initial design, find out what it means to participate, share your ideas, volunteer to build and meet like-minded individuals.

WHEN: Tuesday, February 28th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

WHERE: Watershed Cafe, 5040 SE Milwaukie, Portland, OR 97202

This is an open call to anyone who wishes to participate. We believe in Community Effort and Participation, amongst other things. Everyone is invited to contribute, be a Ninja Rock Star and work collectively to represent our diverse Regional community at this year’s Burning Man. We will be in the Cafe. Grab a name tag, listen for bullhorns, be Radically Self-Reliant (as in don’t be shy, bring food and beverage) and Leave No Trace.

Looking forward to seeing and meeting you.

Lucy & Bribe